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At the IDE, research and data-based evidence underlie all that we do.  Cutting-edge academic papers by our scholars are featured in leading publications around the globe and their work is widely cited and recognized in the field.


Working Papers Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic lifecycle

Nuria Oliver, Bruno Lepri, Harald Sterly, Renaud Lambiotte, Sébastien Delataille, Marco De Nadai, Emmanuel Letouzé, Albert Ali Salah, Richard Benjamins, Ciro Cattuto, Vittoria Colizza, Nicolas de Cordes, Samuel P. Fraiberger,
Till Koebe, Sune Lehmann, Juan Murillo, Phuong N Pham, Frédéric Pivetta, Jari Saramäki, Samuel V. Scarpino, Michele Tizzoni, Stefaan Verhulst, Patrick Vinck