The MIT Analytics Lab winning team was named at the final presentations event on Friday, December 2. Taking home the traditional grand prize trophy was team, Handle Global with their project, “Predicting Date of Device Manufacture When Purchase Date is Unknown.” The second runner-up was team Schneider Electric for their work on “Control and Clusterization for Smart Alarm Management,” and the first runner-up was team, UNOPS with “UN Land Release in Colombia – Areas of Interest.“
Handle Global team members, Austin Ader, Cameron Cubra, Estella Dentinger, and Evan Marrone, (pictured above and mentored by MIT Sloan PhD candidate, Mohammed Alsobay) wowed the panel of guest judges, Yael Avidan (Senior Director, Product – Core Shopping Experience, Chewy), Renée Richardson Gosline (Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist, MIT Sloan School of Management and MIT IDE Research Lead), and Tod Loofbourrow (CEO and Chairman, ViralGains) with their creative techniques, and the improvements and real-world impact of their findings for the company. Handle Global’s mission is to “develop technology solutions that transform the healthcare capital equipment supply chain.”
The course, taught by MIT IDE Director, Sinan Aral and Abdullah Almaatouq, asks student teams to select and deliver a project using analytics, machine learning, and other methods of analysis to develop results that diagnose, enable, or uncover solutions to real business issues and opportunities.
The winning teams fulfilled the course objectives with flying colors. Congratulations to all!
Pictured: Abdullah Almaatouq, Tod Loofbourrow, Renée Richardson Gosline, Estella Dentinger, Austin Ader, Cameron Cubra, Evan Marrone, Yael Avidan, and Sinan Aral with the A-Lab Trophy.