Location: Virtual
Given health concerns with the Covid-19 virus, we have changed to a virtual format for our remaining seminars (beginning on March 18 through the end of the semester)
Please join meetings via Zoom here: mit.zoom.us/j/494204813
These informal lunch seminars include early results from current MIT research projects and guest presentations from our Digital Economy network. Some seminars are recorded and made available online. The Spring 2020 series includes:- February 26 (E51-372)* - Raj Chetty, Harvard Economics. View video
- March 4 (E62-550) - Neil Thompson, MIT CSAIL and MIT IDE
- March 11 (E62-550) - Dashun Wang, Northwestern Kellog School of Management View video
- March 18 - Lawrence Schmidt, MIT Sloan View video
- April 1 - Georgios Petropoulos, MIT IDE and Yonadav Shavit, Harvard CS View video
- View relevant impact assessment for Georgios Petropoulos' talk here
- April 8 - Daniel Freund, MIT Sloan
- April 15 - Wang Jin, MIT IDE View video and Abdullah Almaatouq, MIT Sloan
- April 22 - Sarah Bana, MIT IDE and Sebastian Steffen, MIT IDE
- April 29 - Raffaella Sadun, Harvard Business School
- May 6 - Rebecca Lyu, MIT IDE and Lindsey Raymond, MIT Sloan