Location: MIT Kresge Auditorium, 28 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
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The MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), MIT Work of the Future (WOTF), and MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE) present: The MIT AI & the Work of the Future Congress.
The AI age is here, transforming work and the skills required for humans to thrive. Join us as we gather leading academics, business leaders, entrepreneurs, education and labor leaders, and policy makers to explore the impact and future trends of technological disruption, rethink the nature of work, and chart a course for catalyzing innovation for inclusion and economic opportunity for all.
MIT and the Future of Work Congress Online Discussion
Stay engaged with the AI and the Future of Work Congress hosted by MIT CSAIL , the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE), and MIT Work of the Future (WOTF) and join the conversation on the AI revolution! AI- artificial intelligence- is in the news almost daily. Businesses are looking for strategies to incorporate AI for efficiency and a competitive advantage. The workforce is concerned about the changes AI will bring for jobs and required skill sets. bring together thought leaders from academia, business leaders, economists and visionaries for a thoughtful dialogue on AI’s impact. Through this online forum, we hope to continue to bring together thought leaders from academia, business leaders, economists and visionaries for dialogue on how to navigate the opportunities and challenges of the “AI Revolution,” as well as gain valuable insight on ways to chart career paths across many fields impacted by the advancements in AI.
If you're interested in continuing the AI discussion, please join our public group on LinkedIn:
MIT AI and the Future of Work Congress Online Discussion