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Prospective Meta-Analysis to Improve Advertising and Productivity

May 09, 2016

Professor Glen Urban Sponsor:  General Motors


Prospective Meta-analysis is used in the Medical Field to establish causative links between treatment and results (e.g., a recent meta-analysis of 14 clinical studies and 90,000 patients established that statins do reduce cholesterol and death due to heart disease).  With this project we will apply a clinical experimental methodology to advertising to develop causative links between media and steps in the purchase process model.  With testing the deep funnel links of advertising exposure to consideration, brand perception and preference, MIT can then model the sales impact of changes in advertising spending and the use of the most recent and established media.  As an example, how effective are apps, social network communications, blogs, video banners, advanced search links versus, TV, brochures and print?  MIT’s aim is to measure the ROI of advertising and to improve the productivity of advertising.